I Surrender All

2 Apr

Okay – so it’s been a while. I know. I’m sorry. And not sorry. Life is crazy, as I’m sure you know; but being faithful to a blog is important if you want to have any kind of consistency, and I appreciate your grace for my hiatus. My first little girl is now 2 and 1/2 and we have another little princess on the way! I cannot say that much has happened and yet, everything has happened. And for tonight, I just want to write a little reflection.

No marriage is perfect. We have aspirations and ideals and wonder and amazement about the unknown. In prepping for our first little girl’s entrance into the world, I read books, I asked moms all kinds of questions, I went to every class the birth center offered, exercised and ate everything healthy to the tee. I was in good shape – and despite my post in July 2015, by July of 2016, my body was more than back….and then I got preggers again 🙂 My point, however, is that I had an expectation of how it should all go – and for someone who likes to plan – the advice we were given in one of our Bradley courses to surrender, should something happen and your ideal plan could not for whatever reason happen, be ready to Surrender. This is tough. This is SO tough for me. After all, as I have shared in this space before – I had plans for my first marriage – it was supposed to be a certain way…. I didn’t expect perfection; in fact, I expected imperfection; but there was a perfect ideal that in some ways, I knew was a fantasy. We all do…. but surrender means giving up the dream we have and letting Gd do his work. This is hard for anybody, but especially post-life ladies. Our dreams are shattered. Our ideals, challenged. Our hearts, forever changed by the ultimate rejection. Divorce, for women who have felt this, runs deep in to our hearts and can leave deep scars if we are unwilling to surrender.

After many years of lost contact with a friend with whom I was very close, I reconnected with her on Facebook (despite my loathe of social media – this was a welcomed surprise!). I reached out because I felt that nudge that I should – and wow! Was I blessed in having done so. It turns out, this friend of mine, I shall call, “A” married about seven years ago, at the age of 27. She was (and still is!) beautiful, inside and out. She’s a wee younger than me and I always had the kind of relationship with her that was like a big-sister. We shared a lot in common – both bubbly, outgoing, extroverted and idealists. The major differences between us were our upbringings – I came from a mixed home that was for the most part, liberal and free – to a fault at times – and she came from a very conservative, more controlled sort of home. While both our homes had their disfunctions, they both had a lot of love. A, had wanted to meet Mr. Wonderful for as long as I can remember. Since she was a teenager (when I first met her) she was boy-crazy. She was beautiful; had an incredible voice; loved to love; and longed to be loved! She was, sadly as many young, beautiful, and talented girls in our culture are, terribly insecure. Having unsettled demons of her own and having never been on her own before, she was married to the first man who asked, despite her inner feeling and nudging from others not to so. Now, it had been some time since we’d been in close contact and I didn’t know any of this until just last week. A, having saved herself physically for Mr. Wonderful, following G-d’s ideals for marriage, and desiring not just a Christian marriage but a holy, glory-to-Gd-sort-of-marriage; she married this man that I will call “O.” O seemed wonderful – he said he loved Jesus, he lived across the globe, he was exotic and adorable and fun – and they’d only dated a few months before taking the plunge into marriage. And A uprooted her life, moved halfway across the globe, and married Mr. O. Six years later, after suffering from verbal and emotional abuse, several miscarriages, and seeing the real “O” in his element – as a product of his own parents’ disfunctional marriage, A and O were divorced. A was crushed – she tried all that she could to keep it together….and here she was, 34 and “starting over.” What really caught my attention on her Facebook page was her incredible, renewed sense of faith and surrender. Funny, I had been learning a lot about surrender recently – and maybe that’s what’s pulled my heartstrings to reach out. Turns out, it was the perfect timing to do so.

A is in surrender. She had such an expectation of what marriage would be; dreams and hopes of a life with Mr. Wonderful-Foreign-Exotic that when it fell apart, so did she. I have said it before – no one; and I mean no one expects to get divorced when they walk down that aisle; and especially as believers. It’s no wonder really – when we have given up on Gd’s design for marriage almost entirely in our culture. We tend to give marriage to the cultural church but divorce is handled by the state. We are accountable to a million on-lookers when we say, “I do,” but the church has no idea what to do with us when we’re going through divorce. And once we’ve done the deed, the church doesn’t really know where to put us; how to behave; how to support us. It’s a very lonely feeling, being displaced. In her displacement, A had to surrender.

I have talked about my postlife besties a few times in this Blog over the past five years (wow! five years!) and we are all still learning to surrender. Remember my friends? Well, their stories continue and I will elaborate in my next post, but for now, the theme is surrender. All three of my girls are still looking for redemption in some way…one for her children to be restored and healed from the abuse of their father with whom she is having to fight all sorts of legal battles and work out “co parenting” which is is really more like “co-fighting-for-my-kids-so-he-doesn’t-continue-to-abuse-them.” One is still looking for financial restoration and her own Mr. Wonderful. The loneliness has become unbearable at times and right when things seem to be finally mellowing out, another bill comes down the pipe. It’s horrendous. And the the third, well, she may have a renewal when it comes to looking for love – and has grown in many ways. Still in love with love, she lost her mother last year and has been picking up the pieces of her own life while having been the strongest support for her sister who has gone through her own he** and she has been taking care of her father in the wake of the loss.

We are all still broken; our lives are still connected to the past…and yet, we all are learning to surrender. #1 has done everything she can for her children to protect them; it’s up to the courts now; #2 has paid every dime she can muster and works incredibly hard to earn her financial independence (not to mention she is so generous and has a heart of gold); and #3 has to surrender her heart’s longing to Gd, rather than pouring into so many people – which seems to fulfill but can actually rob her of receiving true love. And me? I am learning to surrender the expectations – to be super wife, and super mom, super professor, and super student….I want to do it all – and do it well; but something has to give. I surrender perfection. And the expectation that I can (or even should) be perfect at anything.

Look, give it up. We are strongest in our weakness. When we are real people, that’s when we can be used the most. That is when our real strength emerges. We can either hold tight to our expectations of an “ideal” or trust that our ideals are exactly that – and when they don’t come to fruition, we can trust that this is exactly why we cannot boast in our strength, but our weakness. It here we are really, truly humbled out and lay it on the line – we give it up.

Surrender friends. Start small – but be strong. Be brave and surrender.

Post-Life Beauty

22 Jul

This evening, as I stepped out of the shower with my daughter and passed her off to daddy to dry, I looked into the mirror to dry my face. For a moment, I caught my own eye – they were bright, gleeming, with a bit of sparkle and mystery. Perhaps it was the new mascara I’d had on (which being super-mom I purchased with a $3 coupon making it ridiculously cheaper than my usual Sephora treat!) – perhaps it was the shine from the water that dripped down my face – perhaps, it was my perspective. See, after the post-life apocalypse, it’s easy to feel pretty darn un-pretty. And it’s easy to remember feeling like very less-than-sexy after eight long months without any intimacy with the person your supposed to feel the most beautiful from.  Even today, with a wonderful new life – that, as I always like to disclaim here is not without it’s challenges, I have been feeling super un-sexy. I had a baby 9 months ago and I feel like I should be back in my old shape; but you know how it goes; it’s just harder. And where is the time to feel beautiful? To feel sexy? Even…dare I say it…loved. I’m a sensitive type of girl. I admit it. I need to feel beautiful; I want to feel loved – in heart, in emotion, and in sexyness. Is that so much to want? I don’t think so.

But tonight, instead of focusing on the things I would like to change about my body or that I want more of… Gd let me see myself as beautiful – those eyes – that still glimmer with joy. It was a moment just for me; to remember that I am beautifully and wonderfully made – just as I am supposed to be. Whatever the standards of the world, I am beautiful. So, I put on my new perfume and brushed my hair and looked in the mirror again – and I felt beautiful.

You are beautiful. Don’t let the lies from the pre-life live on in the post-life. In the post-life, we have to be extra careful not to let the voices of the wasbands creep in that told us we weren’t worth their time, their love, their bodies. We have to forget that they slept with other women or looked at pornography – or whatever they may have done that made you feel like crap. You are beautiful. And you deserve to be treated that way – most of all, by yourself. Don’t tell yourself one more thing today that isn’t “right” about you, and instead, thank Gd for making you someone beautiful. And then, thank yourself for being kind to you.

I’m so glad I had that moment. And I’m glad I got to share it with you.

Ugh. Post Life Challenges.

29 Jun

Is it REALLY that big of deal? That is the question I have to ask myself now EVERY TIME we have an argument. Now that I have survived the apocalypse, as my bff puts it, I now have to revisit my inner voice whenever I’m totally annoyed, bummed, or feeling like I just had the most ridiculous disagreement! Is it THAT big of a deal? Does it matter?? Do I bring it up?? Do I say anything or just let it go? He says to be honest – but when I say something – I’m too sensitive (ouch!) or I’m dramatic. UGH! But he says he wants me to be honest – and to say if something bothers me – but that really means if it bothers me within REASON – and REASON is not according to me – its according to him. And if its something small according to him, then I’m unreasonable and dramatic. I cannot tell you (which really, is to no one…and everyone, I suppose) how often I must second I ? guess myself in this aspect of my life. Is it a BIG deal or a little deal? Do I say it, or not? Am I being crazy or UNREASONABLE or am I just being lil ole sensitive me? Then theres this whole don’t get to bed angry nonsense. Well, he just went to bed. Does he even know that I am still upset? Probably not; but it was clearly tense. Am I supposed to say something? He is SO easily annoyed.

We had a wonderful weekend – gave him PLENTY of “me time” and wonderful time as a family. But one silly things sets us off at the END of the wonderful weekend and now, it’s crappy. And my crappy – I mean, it really is a big deal – OR by crappy I mean, I’m making something of NOTHING.

AHH! Sometimes, I think it’s literally crazy making. I am scarred, you know. It’s not that I think about my former life or care at all about the “ex” but I would be lying if I said it didn’t affect me still. It has to – that’s how life is. Experiences are with us for long times – and memories are triggered by silly “little” things like this. You know what – I give it too much power in my life. Maybe I should just let it go and stop over functioning so damn much. I try so hard to make everything so perfect and easy for him – when that really is a symptom of the past. He’s a grown man; he can figure it out himself. I do, do too much. And I’m tired; and I don’t want to resent the man for it – which is kind of exactly what I’m doing by even holding it against him.

I really wish he weren’t so defensive all the time. All I did was ask him to keep his voice a little lower because I didn’t put the white noise machine on in the baby’s room. “I didn’t think I was being that loud!” he rolls his eyes and defends himself… what’s the BIG DEAL?? All I asked was to keep his voice down – is that really SO annoying? And I wasn’t even rude or anything about it – no attitude – NOTHING. He would probably say “it’s the way you say things” that make me so horrible. UUHHGGG!!!

I hate, more than anything in marriage, being misunderstood. And being assumed the worst of rather than the best. And wondering IS IT REALLY A BIG DEAL?! If I’m still learning the difference, I feel like I’ve got a long way to go.

Post-Apocalypse Dating

13 May

Okay – so for me, friends were EVERYTHING during the immediate post-life crisis! I would not be alive today if it weren’t for the love of my very caring, very wonderful friends who I journeyed with through divorce. While hindsight is apparently, 20/20, they say, when you’re so clouded by the mess of a life around you, so very wrapped up in what’s happening – it is still difficult to see. That is why friends (and framily – yes, FRAMILY) are so very important! However, this post is not about it. It’s about you – if you’re back in the dating world – and wondering, what the fire happened to your life.

Let me suggest that you are not alone!

My best friend has been looking for love ever since her post-life (who actually refers to it as the apocalypse – her word, not mine) exploded! She is exotic, talented, beautiful, wonderfully friendly, and incredibly kind and talented! She has a love for people like I’ve never seen before and she knows how to have a good time! So, what’s the trouble? She has been on sooo many first dates that she could literally write a book about it! In fact, between her and our two other partners-in-post-life have been encouraged to do so. So, what is it all about?

Well, some say she is so fabulous that men are just intimidated by her. Others suggest that she just hasn’t met the right one. Others say, take a break. And then there’s the pushing – the “poor girl” is 35…35! And feels like her eggs are getting older as we speak!? And in times of despair, our incessant cry returns to, “I never wanted this…thanks a lot ex…” None of us wanted it. But it happened. And this incredible angel of a person is FAR better off without Mr. Ex. For about three years now, my friend has been feeling the loneliness, reaching for the interwebs to find Mr. Wonderful, struggling with her own self-image, and trying so hard to be content with where she is at. She has a new-found depth of her faith that inspires me daily and her joy is pretty amazing…even in the midst of her worst weeks when she’s lonely, just wants to cuddle and stay in watch the History channel with her amazing Mr. Wonderful…whenever he shows up…

My other girlfriend went a different route. She falls in and out of love…. Another incredible woman of Faith, she sees the best in EVERYONE and finds the reason to really, sincerely love someone no matter who she is with. Her own post-life experience left her high and dry – and it the US – without a direction. After falling in love with her first post-life sweetheart, she was determined not to make the same mistakes. His face kept coming back, though, and so, perhaps all of the dating and falling in and out of love with other guys is her way of living in denial – maybe knowing that she is still madly in love with the first one. We’ll call him Mr. One; partly because he was the first “one” and partly because he is just “one” man that could suit her. Her heart longs for acceptance, responsible love, and the kind of man that will inspire her to greatness. She loves love! But loving love has its challenges and clouds discernment for when Mr. Wonderful really does show up at her doorstep. I cannot wait to see how beautiful that day will be!

Finally, Girlfriend Number 3 is going her own way – she packed up the kiddos and moved to Urban America in search of her own dream! She is a wonderful dreamer, a writer, a thinker – a philosopher, and most definitely, an artist! She takes little at face value and trusts that there is more to life than any of this – her post-life is more like a deeper-life; a committed life to her own progress, depth, reaching new potentials and rediscovering G-d’s will for her life. She is incredibly deep – and longs for a partner to reach down there with her and pull out adventure, understanding, growth, curiosity, and all things intangibly beautiful! Her dream is her love – and her love, her dream.

And then, there’s me. I longed for Mr. Wonderful – and I found him! Okay – so I’m still a newly (twice)wed wife, and I am loving our marriage, our baby girl, our life. It’s not all fun and games, and so much has changed since our baby was born – to be explored in a future post. However, I see my besties going through such a difficult time and I wonder when it will all be okay for them? I was blessed to be placed with my husband so soon – unbelievably quickly actually – and it just worked… The pain I see my friends experiencing as mid-thirties single ladies in the post-life is sometimes very hard. I love them and they are so worthy of being loved that it amazes me how any man would pass up either of them?! I don’t understand it. Why did it come so early for me, and why do they have such a struggle to find it?

We’re all on our own post-life journey; mine is continuing in a new, different way and doing marriage again. I really have learned so much that I can’t imagine having not gone through all that pain to get here. My friends are rediscovering their own purposes; their own identities; their own Faith. They have amazing faith in God to fulfill their purpose! They are truly three of the most incredible girls I have ever known. It’s not about getting married (again), and finding that one special person; I think it’s about becoming content with who we are; accepting our own faults and discovering our weaknesses and strengths. I am not done this  journey just because I got married (I should hope not!) and my girlfriends’ lives are not dependent on finding that man. If it were, they would have settled by now on the “wrong thing.” But they are patiently waiting; patient in trying to learn what they need to learn; to become whole so that they can give to another again. Finding that wholeness, though we are all works in progress, is perhaps, the best part of the post-life. I hope they find it.

Way too Long!

13 May

Okay, Okay, so it’s been a while since I’ve kept up this blog. I have good reason for that! I got married to Mr. Wonderful – if you can believe it! The post life has become actually, a new life. One filled with all kinds of ups and downs – but a WHOLE LOT OF UPS which is wonderful! We even had a baby!!! She is 7 months of amazing! AMAZING! And so…there we have it. Clearly, life has been filled with all kinds of changes, and in the post-life, post-apocalypse, change is GOOD.


27 Jul

Well, I suppose its been a very long time since my last post on the joys (and oys!) of the postlife journey. What has happened since? Victory after victory, I’ve come out a winner! While the challenges of moving forward continue, I suppose I have learned to deal with things as they come, regardless of how painful or heck, even joyful they may seem.

#1: Moving on! Yes, I have had  serious involvement with Mr. NewFriend who is now Mr. Man. I suppose the giddiness is still there on some level, but things have progressed significantly. I find that I am – if I am being completely honest – I am in love with him, but it’s not the same as it was in the prelife. I love him, but I love him differently than I have loved before. He makes me very happy – he surprises me – we have amazing chemistry – we are usually on the same page, spiritually…I don’t think I could ask for much more. Summer time for me, is , however, one very long vacation and it’s easy to make a man everything in a time like as I find myself anxious for him to be done with work, or to see him…It’s not bad, but I will not get so caught up that my own life is not itself independent and dependent only on me and Hashem.

#2: Big Lesson! I made a pretty awesome wife for a time….but I’m not a great girlfriend. I’m really good at planning a life “together” but I’m not so good at having a life apart. Does that make sense? I don’t know exactly how to separate, which is probably why I am struggling with being dependent/independent of Mr. Man.

#3: All in a Name! I got my old name back, officially! This is quite a victory considering a name says a lot about your identity. Changing it again…I’m not so sure about that, because I think I’ve had enough of the name changes, but I’m glad I don’t have to have someone else’s name anymore…especially when that someone else was a big jerk. Can you believe he texted me to scold me about how the last of the paperwork arrived to his work!? I wrote that address on a SASE more than 6 months ago when I knew he was moving and wanted to be sure he would get the paperwork. 15 months later, when they finally filed the final paperwork, they still had that address for that envelope. But instead of calling him or writing him to scream about his total lack of “the benefit of the doubt”, I let it go. That felt somewhat victorious as well. I wanted to reason with him, but for what?

#4: It is such a big deal this whole pre-life post-life deal. It affects everything!

Summertime is slipping away, and while I’ve had a lot of time to think, to heal, to keep moving forward, I wonder about myself sometimes…

Good luck out there in the post-life. I know you’ll make it. I’m still making it and I’m alive! Until next time, which I hope will be soon –

A Bit More Insight

6 Jan

I guess my last post, which granted, was very happy, and only posted moments ago, was a bit brief and undefined…and perhaps a bit of insightful, post-lifeisms may help to develop said post-life thoughts.

First of all, yes, Happy, very very happy. I cleaned out my house this week of many old things and came across many remnants of the pre-life wasband, including wedding pictures. And rather than letting it define me or casting them all into some fiery pit, I let it pass over me, like a calm, cool, collected adult woman should. It may have taken a text to the BFF to handle it so smoothly, but honestly, I didn’t feel anything like gut-wrenching of old, or the sudden desire to break down and cry. A subtle sadness was present, sure, because I felt like yes, a part of me did die in divorce, but so much more of me is being born right now that I feel like there is nothing Hashem cannot heal, move forward, or take control of. I have learned so much in the past year; it is truly amazing. I don’t want to photoshop the wasband out of my old photos because it was a part of me – but a part of me that died with the marriage itself and it’s okay to have a past…it’s not okay to dwell on it. It is one thing to dwell but it’s another to be alright with the subtle memories and pass through them like any other part of your past…like an old school dance or a football game on Friday nights in high school. They’re good memories…well, some of them, and even the bad ones had their place. Anyways…I will not be defined by my marriage (or lack thereof) or by my divorce. I will be defined by who I am, and anyone who can’t see that, well, they’re missing out.

It’s a beautiful life, really. Being human again. And moving past the definition of the surface – pre-life OR post-life. I am me.
Now the trouble…how do I make the transition to post-life new (old) name?? Perhaps in the next post?

MyPostLife Non-Dating

6 Jan

Post life dating is far more complicated than post-life relationship. I am very happy in the post-life at the moment and feel very blessed to even say that I am enjoying such JOY (redundant, I know) that I never thought in a million years I could feel. I am happy. Truly content. Truly happy. So, for the moment, I am posting a very positive, post-life, life post. Happy 2012.

MyPostLife Paradigm Shift

28 Oct

So much changes in the post life. My whole outlook on life, marriage, dating, and even sex have begun to transform and I’m not sure what to do with it all. In the end, I know that I over think things…I know that I spend far too much time contemplating and not enough time living…L-I-V-I-N.

I struggle with who I am; who I want to be; what I believe I want to be; what I believe in general about life…all of it is hard for me sometimes. So, I’m doing a lot of thinking these days…and I’m confused. I pray for clarity.

Help me, Hashem, to move slowly, to be discerning and wise and count on you to guide.


Some days, I just want to SCREAM because of all the anxiety I carry inside. I need to LET GO sometimes. It’s kind of ridiculous.

I’m happier than I’ve been in ages….I feel like G-d is SO good; and I’m so afraid of doing something to screw it up. What kind of paradigm is that of G-d? Why can’t I just “be” and know that G-d will love me just for “being” rather than because I followed all the rules? I am great at rules…but where did rules get me??? Feeling guilty for living. Ridiculous.

So….paradigm is shifting.


19 Oct

My post life is feeling more and more legit every day. For one, I feel free. I feel free to have my life again and to do what I need to do for me! I feel like I have freedom from my past and I can move forward to do whatever I need to do to feel that freedom again!

I’m legit. I’m not legally legit, but I am truly legit. I feel it in my heart. I’m anxious for the legal legit but I feel like it hardly matters. But, I am still trying to move forward to get it done.

Regardless, I’m super stressed but a few thoughts:

1. The New Friend is awesome. I like him a lot. We had an awesome conversation about all kinds of deep things this weekend and I feel like I could totally feel my guard coming down. I could feel it inside me, just a little bit, breaking down. I liked being able to have that just enough.

2. Therapy was awesome today. I was affirmed that I’m ready and I can walk confidently in that. She stated that I separated from the wasband emotionally long before I actually left. This is true for many women and naturally, I feel that, too. It was so great to tell her how awesome I feel and how good it feels to be FREE.

Also, I shared with her an important lesson that I have learned. I will never let a man be my all ever again. There is no person in this world who can fill what Hashem fills. I have lived most of my life “being” for someone else … whether my mother, my sister, and then, my wasband.  I will only be defined by me; complimented; not completed by someone else. With Hashem’s help, I complete me, through faith in Him. Thank you, Hashem, for being my all. Please remind me of this in times of lonliness and/or hardship. You are everything. Do not let me forget. And please, help me to know it so that I am not tested again. Please.

3. I need more exercise. I’m not loving how I’m feeling without it. I nearly passed out today in class. I need to EAT and to drink more water. And sleep. And exercise.

4. I LOVE MY JOB. And I can’t imagine doing anything else! Thank you, Hashem for my job, too. You are amazing!!!